This is a special blog post that presents some ideas that were inspired from my work in Google Summer of Code.


The native OpenMS method that works with nomimal masses can append during runtime other isotope distributions using the += and + operator. The native method also employs the * and *= operators that take as input an unsigned int convolves the isotope distribution with itself. Internally, each time an operator is invoked a convolution takes place and a new isotope distribution is computed.

The new methods of OpenMS in their current state can compute theoretical isotope patterns of compounds with known empirical formulas. This might be a problem when one needs to combine two distributions of elements or two discrete probability distributions. It seems that the methods should be related with a more abstract concept than an empirical formula of a compound. Overview how the methods work so far:

foreach element,size in EmpiricalFormula:


This is working closely with Empirical formula but in fact we need is the collection of tuples IsotopeDistribution, number of molecules.

“Lazy” isotope distribution evaluation

What really is needed is a transparent method of implementing the * and + operators transparently without much computational overhead.

Changes to the IsotopeDistribution data model (it just explains the logic):

class IsotopeDistribution
vector<Peak1D> id;

map<IsotopeDistribution, unsigned int> individual_ids;

void computeID();

operator*(unsigned int);


The id will remain empty until id is accessed or computeID() is invoked.

The operator+ will become:

void IsotopeDistribution::operator+(IsotopeDistribution& added_distribution)

if individual_ids.has_key(added_distribution)
   individual_ids[added_distribution] = 1;

The operator* will become:

void IsotopeDistribution::operator*(unsigned int size)
    IsotopeDistribution new_id;
    individual_ids[new_id] = size;

computeID() will work in a tree manner that will compute all the earlier stages and finally compute the final distribution at the top level.

The greatest challenge for this is implementing a hash function for the map data structure that will identify quickly and accurately same isotopedistribution components and group them together.